Expertise in Computer Graphics

相關結果: 個案分析

Shining 3D EinScan HX & H 3D Scanner

The hybrid laser and LED light sources allow 3D capture of object of all sizes. High efficiency and reliable result give EinScan HX more application possibilities.

Shining 3D EinScan Pro 2X 2020版 手持3D掃描器

EinScan Pro 2X 2020版,延續EinScan Pro 2X一貫的優良性能,專注於「精細」和「快速」兩種手持掃描模式,滿足中小尺寸實 物的多種細節和精度要求的3D掃描建模需求,兼顧數據細節和掃描效率,搭配使用者友好的軟體,是對3D建模細節有著挑剔要求使用者的理想選擇。